
How to find and fix issues related to website accessibility?


Web accessibility extends its help to make www (world wide web) accessible to each one of us. However, many people generally do not use the web conventionally. This gets overlooked by the web developers, content authors and web designers. 

This causes accessibility issues. Accessibility issues create difficulties, but that can be easily solved. Web development is undoubtedly quite difficult and needs great skills. Research done on programmatic accessibility problems states that few issues are quite common and people come up with them the most. The web development companies should pay attention to it in the first instance to eradicate the users’ problems at the earliest. 

This guide says about a few accessibility issues to avoid and fix. 

  1.Poor Contrast on Texts:


Low contrast on texts is quite a common issue that many faces. This, in turn, makes it quite detectable to each user, including people with comparatively low or poor vision and color blindness. 

Contrast is usually easy to restore. This can be done in 2ways. Either by fixing it wherever discrete issues occur, or site-wide by making alterations in the theme.

Several testing tools for accessibility such as a color contrast checker make sure that there is a sufficient contrast in your texts. It measures the contrast between the text and several elements such as background or highlight. Keep in mind that the theme may identify various colors for lists, headings, and captions. 

However, Accessibility metrics is a tool which tests a site for these accessibility issues and a few others.

  2.Lost Alt Text on Images:

This is an extremely common accessibility issue that is quite easy to solve. A study says that people faced this issue on 68% of sites. 

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It is known that alt texts are helpful for any image. However, there are exceptions to this need. For example, suppose an image is supposedly decorated, and it has no relevance with the content or experience. In that case, it does not require alt text. But, an accessibility testing tool will still detect it programmatically. 

An easy way to fix this issue is to provide clear images and uncomplicated alt texts to a site when entered. This further means that any user who visits or files content on the website should be familiar with the significance of accessibility. They should also know how to provide alt text to the images. 

An appropriate training and clear accessibility policy provided to each staff can help to secure this issue. 

  3.Missing Link Text:

Links are one of the common things that we come across on the Internet. We make use of links to enter sites and move along them.

If you are unclear about the location of the link, moving or looking around the Internet becomes challenging. 

Links showcases a variety of accessibility errors several testing experts and programs can easily detect that. The most obvious one is the missing alt text. 

 Missing alt or link text denotes that there has been no use of text to illustrate hyperlink. This can be fixed by either providing alt texts for links or by hyperlinking the relevant text. 

  4.Ambiguous Links:

You might have come across links that say “click here” or “know more”. When a screen reader goes through this information, it does not tell the user what the link is all about and redirected to. 

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Instead of hyperlink an ambiguous text, it will be better to use a brief and informative piece of text. 

For example, “this link leads to this….”  

Content creators can usually create this kind of problem by putting ambiguous link texts between content and blogs. 

  5.Time-Outs can’t be managed:

For security measures, several forms expired after a certain period, including purchasing forms. However, it takes a little longer to utilise forms with an assistive device or screens reader.

Users should have accurate information about when the form will expire so that they can extend the time limitations. By fixing these accessibility issues, it means that you can avoid 90% of issues that many sites face.

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