Category: Web

  • How to Check and Reduce Bandwidth Usage in Web Hosting?

    How to Check and Reduce Bandwidth Usage in Web Hosting?

    Web space and bandwidth are the two most important website components required for its operations. Web space is referred to the storage locations of online files, like photos, while bandwidth is referred to the data used by visitors to access these files. It is similar to how computers and mobiles take up space while saving…

  • Five SEO Strategies for eCommerce

    Five SEO Strategies for eCommerce

    COVID-19 containment measures, such as stay-at-home orders, have led to a rapid increase in online shopping. As an entrepreneur or a digital marketer, it’s crucial to ensure that your website appears high in the results when potential shoppers search for anything related to your products or services. Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a critical role…

  • Using Technology To Improve The Procedures Of HR

    Using Technology To Improve The Procedures Of HR



    Today’s business world is fast paced and one of the things that helps companies achieve this pace is using technology. Technology can help HR departments function more efficiently and effectively to streamline their processes and improve productivity in the workplace. There are numerous advantages to implementing a company-wide use of technology in the workplace. Some…

  • How To Build A Web Host Business

    How To Build A Web Host Business



    How To Build a Web Hosting Business is an eBook that will show you the ins and outs of the world’s largest online virtual marketplace, as well as providing you with the tools you need to turn that marketplace into your own successful business. It is not just an eBook that you use to start…

  • How to find and fix issues related to website accessibility?

    How to find and fix issues related to website accessibility?

    Web accessibility extends its help to make www (world wide web) accessible to each one of us. However, many people generally do not use the web conventionally. This gets overlooked by the web developers, content authors and web designers.  This causes accessibility issues. Accessibility issues create difficulties, but that can be easily solved. Web development is undoubtedly quite…

  • Top 5 Web Development Tips to create a killer website

    Top 5 Web Development Tips to create a killer website

    There are no two opinions that a website is the window of your business. If your website is appealing, responsive, and easy to use, there are more chances to attract new customers, build stronger relations, and boost conversion rates.  You will be amazed to know that users take about 50 milliseconds to decide whether they…

  • Top E-Commerce Trends for 2020

    Top E-Commerce Trends for 2020

    The year 2020 opens up to a new decade and brings, within itself, the complex challenges. COVID-19, being one the most defining factor, has impacted every aspect of human life. It has derailed the global economy and imperiled the existence of brick-and-mortar shops. But 2020 is not all about bad news! It has transformed the…

  • Top 3 Cloud Hosting Providers of 2020: #1 is the Best?

    Top 3 Cloud Hosting Providers of 2020: #1 is the Best?

    When you sign up for a simple web hosting, you are sure to buy a limited block of resources on a single server. For instance, 5GB web space, 1TB bandwidth and maybe a set amount of RAM and CPU cores. Of course this will work for many websites but fixed resources can hit badly to…

  • 10+ Best Car Rental WordPress Themes 2020

    10+ Best Car Rental WordPress Themes 2020

    When you have a Car rental business, you need to have a website which will promote your Business and give you exposure. WordPress is the best host to start your online business promotion. When you create a Car rental WordPress website, it should have a theme which will make it easy for you to attract…