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How Can Security Cameras Help in Crime Investigations?

How Can Security Cameras Help in Crime Investigations

The popularity of surveillance cameras in developed countries is due to their effectiveness at solving crimes. There are many benefits of getting security cameras installed within your property whether it’s your business or home.

Based on a recent study, a great number of crimes investigated by detectives have benefited by using camera footage as evidence. Many countries around the world encourage security cameras installation as an additional tool for fighting crime and making the streets safe. Hikvision offers the best cameras with enhanced cyber security in the market today, thus nullifying the associated security concerns.

The very presence of camera surveillance systems not only gives crime evidence, but also prevents the crimes from happening. There are certain points below that make it very clear why security cameras help in crime investigations.

There are various ways in which surveillance cameras can help deter the occurrence of a crime and in the investigation conducted by the police in case a crime is committed.



  • CCTV cameras are used to monitor a house or business. Surveillance systems are effective as a tool to protect your abode against criminals.
  • The most important thing is that, in most cases, criminals don’t dare to breach the areas equipped with security cameras.


  • The video footage plays a significant role in identifying the suspects, witnesses, and the vehicles, if any, involved in the crime.
  • The police can examine the behavior of the suspects before, during, and after an incident or the commission of a crime.

Police Investigation:

  • The investigators use the footage to get forensic clues.
  • Detectives can also use the video footage to establish the timeline of a crime.
  • The footage gives clarity about the entry and exit points of scene of the crime.
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Credible Evidence:

  • The police use the footage to verify the accuracy of the statements of suspects and witnesses of a crime.
  • In abduction cases, the video footage is very important to track down a person quickly and save the life of the abducted individual.

Despite issues raised by many individuals who are against the use of surveillance cameras as it breaches their privacy according to them, many governments still promote surveillance systems as a part of their efforts to protect the public against crimes. This is how security cameras play an important role in crime investigations.

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