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Essential Checks To Know Your Website’s SEO Performance


What is Search Engine Optimization? It is the process by which the online visibility of a website in a web search engine is affected. It helps you in taking your website rank to a higher state in the search engine’s eyes. It helps you with market strategies and content management. It helps you to target different kinds of searches like image search, video search and another type of searches.

What is an SEO check? Checks whether your website needs an improvement or your current strategy is working or not. It helps you to know whether you are able to hit your goals. How to do SEO checks?

How To Do SEO Checks?

  • When it comes to your website backlinks are the basis of SEO. It is the Google’s reputation tools. You don’t want to lower rankings when it comes to search engines, therefore, backlink profiles are very crucial in SEO.
  • Site speed is very important when it comes to search engines. If you have a faster website, therefore, the user would be happy and you in return would have lots of business. Nobody likes to wait when a website is loading. SEO helps you in managing your content and optimizing your site speed. You can increase site speed by compressing images and deleting unnecessary files.
  • Search engines use Meta titles and descriptions to understand what a page is and accordingly ranks it. Meta titles contain keywords and brand names and therefore if you optimize this field you have a chance to rank higher in front of the search engines eyes. You can use persuasive language, interesting subtitles and have a bang on the background and a theme to impress the search engine as well as the user.
  • Google likes URL which is short and crisp. Therefore try to keep your URL short, avoid numbers and focus on keywords. It has been understood that the shorter your URL is the better chance you have in ranking or securing a good rank in a search engine. Do not give a broken URL link.
  • Keyword density is important when it comes to securing a good rank in front of a search engine. E-commerce web development helps you in optimizing your keywords so that users can easily search for their product.
  • Check your old website content regularly. SEO check is critical when it comes to old website content. Google favors fresh content. You can create new website content by adding new data, changing themes and backgrounds, optimizing the entire post, inserting images and many more. New content helps you in increasing your website traffic as well.
  • Check out 7 effective SEO ideas to generate more traffic
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You must monitor your website SEO performance regularly to stay ahead of your competition. It helps you in keeping your content up to date and fresh. With SEO checkups you will be left with a healthy website which would put you ahead of the competition.

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