indian security

How Many Types of Security Classifications in India?

How Many Types of Security Classifications in India?

There are many types of security categories in India. As a matter of fact, there are so many that it may take many pages to write about them. The responsibility of the security personnel in these places lie completely on their hands.


As per the government, there are many security types which are there in India. One of them is the Tribal Rights Agency. The Tribal Rights Agency deals with the problem of protecting the tribes as well as their rights.  To prevent this from happening, the government has established many rehabilitation centers.


Another important category of security types is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). A Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is a government created and funded body that is responsible for collecting, maintaining, and disseminating information of public importance regarding the affairs of the state. The Central Intelligence Agency was formed to counter any kind of sabotage or terrorist activities that may affect the stability of the country and the security of its citizens. All the operations of the agency are managed through the secretaries’ office and they have to report all their findings to the president of the country. Thus, as a security classification, the role of the Central Intelligence Agency is very crucial and vital in the overall security scenario of the country.


The government has also established many specialized security organizations that are categorized as too sensitive and important. They are the internal security wing of any government organization. For example, the Indian Army has its internal security wing called the Indian Security Guard or ISG.


The ISG has its specific tasks like guarding the perimeter of the ministries or the prime minister’s official residence. It also has its responsibilities towards guarding foreign nationals who have diplomatic immunity in India.


The Indian Air Force has its own classified security wing called the Indian Army Staff College. It has also its own classified security classification as the Indian Army Air Force Intelligence Service. This wing also has its responsibility for ensuring safety and security for the transport sector. A major part of its responsibilities is conducting exercises on internal air transport security.


The Indian Navy is classified into a number of classes. The first and the oldest class are the Indian Seaplane Guards. These are the personnel who are responsible for guarding the ports, airfields, and the bases. These positions are very sensitive, since the lives of all those who might be working there or even visiting are at stake. This is another secret category of classified positions in India.


The second most important category is the Indian Forest Service. People working in this security wing range from civil engineers to hunters and wildlife safariangers. Their job is to protect the forests of the country and prevent illegal mining and logging.


The third most important class is the Indian Police Force. This class consists of the regular police officers and the members of the special forces. The duties and responsibilities of this security classification include maintaining law and order, maintaining records and data, controlling traffic, and apprehending criminals. These are some of the known facts on classified positions in India.